Sunday 11 March 2012

My Uke!

After all my tabs and quotes and general uke ramble- I have realised that you don't actually lnow what my uke looks like! Well- here she is! The wooden carving I love so much. Sorry about the picture quality, it's not the best! The pictures are taken on my bed- so sorry about the pillow and stuff too :)

In case your interested, it's a Greg Bennett design 70K concert uke.


  1. Yep - mine's a Greg Bennett, too - the uk50 I think. I love it - sounds great - I'm sure there are better ukes out there but I can't fault this - my husband bought it for me a few years ago and I've just put new Aquila strings on it. Love my uke! :D

  2. Yes- I got mine for my birthday and it is amazing! :)

  3. Hi Ella, great blog and nice Uke! Thats the one with the lovely rosewood back and sides right? They look great. I haven't had the pleasure of playing one yet. I mainly play my Ohana Tenor at the moment.Enjoying your blog anyway. Aloha!


    UkPaulie on UU
